Wednesday, June 28, 2006

T.H. Mountain View, CA

I miss everyone back at home so much! You know who you are! But meanwhile I'm still in Koln with my ministry bringing glory to God. Today R, who is a woman who works at the bathrooms and feels really lonely, believes in God and we invited her to have a Bible study today after meeting her on Monday. During our time w/her, we found out she has absolutly no knowledge of the ball, but she belives that God loves her. It was just awesome to see her be so desperate for God and ask so many questions. I was so suprised by her past experience in trying to find Jesus, like when a priest told her she is the Devil because she can't speak in tounges. I just thank God that we can have a bible study w/her now to share about the truth, not some crazy random priest telling her she's a devil. It's definitely God that gives her the heart to give Christianity so many chances until she can learn about God's word, the truth. Tommorow is our last day in CW, so i just ask that you guys will pray that I'll get another opportunity to share my storyfaith w'someone esp. someone who is in need of God

T.P.C. Palo Alto, CA

Fasho Fasho! Today we met Marco and Davide again, as well another group of kids, to play soccer and American football. I finally was able to talk to Davide. I decided to tell him my story, and although he wasn't especially interested I still felt that God was working in him and his friends. We're meeting them tomorrow, so please pray that the boys' heart to be softened and that our team's ministry ends on a great note.

CC - Mountain View, CA

I was kind of disgruntled today. We've made a lot of contacts the past few days and quite a few more today. But I haven't been even close to having a spiritual conversation with anyone. We met up with some new kids at an ice cream shop and the ones from Young Club, but didn't get anywhere. Me, Spencer, Lawrence, and Jessica made a little contact with the asian group, but not much. I just pray that God will bring people to the cook out tomorrow especially those we made contact with. I would like to talk to LeNora from the ice ship again. I also pray for a way to connect and share with the kids from young club.

SP - Palo Alto, CA

Six years of spanish pay off! LC, JK, and I met a pregnant woman from Mexico and her 8 year old son- her name is Yeni and her boy is Jenri. We also met a Brazilian woman named Isabel. Yeni's catholic while her husband Ramon wrestles to see God in a world full of suffering. Isabel lives in Koln, away fom the rest of her family. All of us had a heart-warming conversation, talking, among other things, about the difference between "religion" and knowing and loving God. Isabel's not a believer, so LC shared about how what Jesus did has changed his life. Really, though, it's not my six years of spanish. I've learned today (in conjunction with being able to speak comfort to a french-speaking egyptian yesterday) that GOD LOVES PEOPLE TOO MUCH TO LET LANGUAGE BARRIERS STAND IN THE WAY! HE HELPS. Praise God.


Pray that I can invite Germany to acceot Christ. Pray for another chance to share God's story with Jenny. Pray for the Egyptian man, and a chance to share God's love with him. Pray for the Thai group and a chance to comment. Praise God for my back feeling better. Pray that this continues.


TH, Mountain View, CA
Since it was raining today (sadly), we had HC inside the mall in the bakery and we got to share our faiths with each other again. It was really useful since we tried to say the words we would say if we were talking to a random person just as practice for evangelism. I thought Jeff's lesson was especially deep since he taught us that we are the ones who plow and sow and God is the one that lets the heart grow. We can't force anyone to grow in faith in God, that's His choice and it's call to the person. Our job is just to listen to Him and share the incredible gifts He's given us and spread His word. Sara and I prayed for so long today, just asking for God for the right direction to the people He wants us to talk to. Thank God for patience, we finally approached a group of teenagers after an hour and 30 min. The teenagers knew a little bit of English, but they were able to call over a German friend who knew English really well. He was probably the most mature 14 year old I've ever met. It was awesome to find out that He believes in Christ too and he was so appreciative of his friends and his education and I could tell it was God humbling him and applying appreciation to his heart. I hope we will see him again to be able to share our faith more.

TPC, Palo Alto, CA
Although it rained throughout the day, I saw God move in subtle ways throughout the day. We didn't think the boys would show because it was raining, but they showed up! We had lots of fun playing football and eating ice cream. They didn't have any prayer requests, but I'm praying for them. We will meet them tomorrow again and we also invited them to the cook off.
I'm still unsure of what exactly God is doing in Chorweiler, but I'm choosing to trust Him and be obedient.

SP - Palo Alto, CA
The scattering. Heavy downpour meant the people we'd been praying for and befriending weren't at the park. As a result, the LORD led us to many others, broadening our circle to the shops, subway stations, and schools outside the park. Pray for Ahmed, an Egyptian away from his family (they're in France), who we found alone with a rum bottle at the park. God helped our communication for 30 minutes, and we prayed for him (CC, LC, and I), and told him God loved him. I pray we'll see him again, and that we'll be able to shave the whole message about Jesus with him in an understandable way! Been telling strangers about God's love. Praying to genuinely have God's love in me. We also keep seeing (and praying for) a couple we saw fighting. They've also been on my heart. Pray for LC, CC, and me - we hope to say hello to the Asians in the park tomorrow.

CC, Mountain View, CA
today was an awesome day. so many crazy things happened to our team. we had house church in the subway station and we talked about being discouraged because last night all the other teams had so many God stories to share and we didn't have anything. then we split, and I went with Brooke into the park even though it was raining. we barely started praying about what we should do to find people today, and right then we saw these kids playing soccer in a courtyard. Brooke said we should go in and we found about 15-20 teenagers hanging out at "young club" we hung out with them a bit and even saw them later in the park. we invited them to our cook out Thursday, and we're playing soccer with them tomorrow. i prayed that God will show us how to connect with them and to talk about Jesus with them because they're very rambunkous and they smoke and drink.